Let’s visit Numberland Resources – Shop
UPDATE : There is a proper ALL-English Numberland shop!! Please go to
Welcome and Willkommen! Find your individual travel equipment for your trips to Numberland – printed or digital, all designed with love and the will to provide maximum value at the lowest possible cost.
You have 2 options to order – depending on how you would like to pay.
1 To pay with Credit Card or Debit Card -> Order directly here in the shop
2 To pay with BACS/ SEPA or PayPal -> Order via our order form (you find this link with each product in the shop), or send an email to barbara@numberland.net
In the shop, you may choose your preferred currency, but I apologise that the buttons so far are in German only. Yet it’s pretty straight forward, so why not give it a try 🙂
You can also refer to detailed instructions below. Should you have any question, please email me at barbara@numberland.net
Thank you
Your Payment Options
Credit card or debit card You can order and pay directly. I will generate your invoice and process your order within 2 to 3 working days.
PayPal / SEPA To purchase with PayPal or SEPA, choose Kauf auf Rechnung (purchase on invoice) at checkout. Then you will receive your invoice and once you have paid with PayPal your order will be processed by me. This can take up to 2 to 3 working days.
In case of any uncertainty, email me at barbara@numberland.net and we work things out directly.
How it works
Choose your preferred currency in the main menu (EUR, GBP, USD etc).
Browse among our English products (Produkte) and add whatever you like to your shopping cart by clicking the button In den Warenkorb beneath the product.
Once your are done, continue to checkout. For that, click on the button Warenkorb (shopping cart) in the main menu or the button Warenkorb anzeigen just beneath any In den Warenkorb button of the product(s) you chose.
Now you see your shopping cart (Warenkorb) with the products you chose and can adjust. If you wish to continue shopping, clicking on Produkte in the main menu again.
If applicable, you may add a voucher (Gutschein) to your shopping cart and apply (Gutschein anwenden).
The shipping costs (Versand) are indicated as a flat rate. Gesamtsumme gives you the full due amount. Please note that this is without VAT as small business regulations apply.
Once you are done, go to checkout (button Weiter zur Kasse).
At checkout (Kasse)
Add your details (Rechnungsdetails).
Choose your payment method (Zahlungsart auswählen):
For credit card or debit card, tick beliebte Zahlungsarten and fill in your details. For PayPal or SEPA, tick Rechnung.
Agree to the terms and conditions, then hit the button Jetzt kaufen (buy now).
Done – and I will be in touch with you asap!
Should any questions remain, email me at barbara@numberland.net. I can also process your order directly.
Thank you